FREE Online Games Link

 Click or double click on the link below to gain access to many math and literacy games

Sumdog > Sumdog's features > Games
Sumdog's math games are all free to play, whether you're at home or in school. (Why are they free?).
Most of Sumdog's games are multiplayer - which means you can choose to play against other
 Sumdog users around the world.
Although the games are all different, they all have one thing in common: you need to answer
 math questions to make progress.
Each game can be used to practise any of Sumdog's topics - so you never need to be bored while
practicing your math! 

Pop Tune

A creative game, where up to 4 players work together to make
beautiful music.
Drag the correct answer onto the grid to place your notes - and 
hear the tune coming together as you play!

Bunny Hop

It's a race through the house to reach a patch of juicy carrots,
with up to four hungry rabbits taking part.
Answer correctly to make your bunny faster... but watch out
for the hazards along the way! If you don't click the warning 
in time, your bunny will get caught...

Tower Climber

The ultimate in urban numeracy: a skyscraper climbing race, 
against three other agile mathematicians.
Each window has a possible answer, and if you choose the 
right one your grip will hold - but choose wrongly, and 
you'll slip back a floor....