Monday, October 29, 2012

Checkers With Our Big Buddies!

"Thanks Big Buddies"  Joy continues to spread out from our big buddies to us. This past week,   they taught us how to play checkers. They were excellent teachers too; as many of the little buddies beat their big buddies! Our big buddies are the BEST!

Thank you to the many parents who have already signed up for Parent/Teacher Conferences November 9th & 12th.  Friday, I sent home a confirmation advising you of the time and date you requested for your conference.  Our goal is for 100% parent participation, so if you haven't signed up yet, please do so; I sent home another request last Friday for time and date preferences. 

Halloween Party on Wednesday?  Hopefully, weather permitting, we will dress into our costumes after lunch, and parade around Melrose Terrace on Wednesday.  The parade will be followed by a small celebration in our room.  The kiddos, as you can imagine, are soooooooooo excited !!!  They would be thrilled if a few parents could volunteer to bring in a snack or drink to share during the party.  If you are able to bring in something to share,  please send in a quick note of your intentions.  P.S. You should have received a notice last week with all the details about costumes and the parade on Wednesday.  Please remember not to send children to school in their costumes, and I'm sorry, but we also ask that the children do not wear face paint.  

85%..... Congratulations! YES, 85% percent of our kiddos turned in their homework by Friday! They are also doing a fabulous job reading at home with  you:) Thank you parents for all your wonderful help and support, it's looking like a great year!

Correction to last week's blog.... So sorry Wyatt:(  
It was Wyatt not Kyle, who represented our class when the commissioner came to visit.