Montshire Museum and More:)
As you can see...students absolutely loved learning while visiting Montshire Museum! Their hands-on curiosity rewarded them with exploring fossils, discovering creatures that live in the area or have lived in the area, their environment, and way beyond earth into outer space. Inside the SKY LAB, we tracked the sun, moon and stars as days progressed through time in an extremely fast forward mode, they had a blast! It was a day full of tremendous excitement, and one which everyone will remember for many years to come:)
100th. DAY FUN
We celebrated our 100th day, or shall I say 1/2 day ? Even though it was an early release day due to treacherous weather scheduled for the afternoon, we happily carried on with out 100th day fun festivities which included counting out 100 Day Snack by 5's and/or by 10's, & making our zany crazy 100 Day Glasses!